Matt Lowery, known for his recorded musical endeavors and industry-defining demonstration videos drops in and discusses the Monome Norns+Grid and how they informed his direction and approach to production.
In this episode: Dan, Andy, and special guest Matt Lowery join together for Episode 4 of Object Worship. Starting the episode with some odd calls from the HOG-LINE HOTLINE*, move on to discuss Synth-O-1K, fiscal spaghetti, and really drive home that OBNE is not responsible for the views of hosts, cohosts, and guests of Object Worship. After that, we dive deep with Matt about the Norns and Grid from Monome, and how they interact and inform his creative workflow and creative output.
Check out Matt Lowery's music here:
Check out the Chase Bliss Mood MKii Video Instruction Manual to see Matt Lowery's video work:
* (505) 633-4647 call for a weird time and leave a voice memo.