Object Worship

Nick Diener and The Low-Tuned Guitar

Episode Summary

How low can, and should, you go? Today we're joined by Nick Diener of Oneder Effects and Oneder Guitars to talk about notes below the standard six string. We start with the early magic of a Strat in E flat and follow it through baritone guitars and his recently acquired seven string, learning about his influences and creative processes with projects like The Swellers and The Apology Tour along the way. There's a lot of 90s music talk and a lot of modern pedal talk. At this point, if we don't mention nu metal and parallel routing, is it even Object Worship? Anyway quit readin and get to listenin!

Episode Notes

How low can, and should, you go? Today we're joined by Nick Diener of Oneder Effects and Oneder Guitar Company to talk about notes below the standard six string. We start with the early magic of a Strat in E flat and follow it through baritone guitars and his recently acquired seven string, learning about his influences and creative processes with projects like The Swellers and The Apology Tour along the way. There's a lot of 90s music talk and a lot of modern pedal talk. At this point, if we don't mention nu metal and parallel routing, is it even Object Worship? Anyway quit readin and get to listenin!

Check out Oneder Effects: https://www.onedereffects.com/

And Oneder Guitar Company: https://www.onederguitarcompany.com/

Buy yourself some OBNE: http://www.oldbloodnoise.com

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Follow us all on the socials: @onedereffects, @oldbloodnoise, @andyothling, @danfromdsf

Leave us a voicemail at 505-633-4647!